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License Agreements

When you purchase an individual vector clipart design or a vector clipart collection from us, you are provided with either a Commercial Use License or a Personal Use License Agreement, depending on what is included with your purchase. We will list both types of Licenses below, so that you know in advance what are the terms of your License that is included with your purchase.

Commercial Use Royalty Free License Agreement

The following is a Legal Agreement between you and the Clipart-deSIGN, as a representative name of the exclusive Copyright Owner, namely – Clipart deSIGN Ltd. of Sofia, Bulgaria. Read this Agreement carefully before using the downloaded image(s). By downloading an image(s) from , our Etsy Store, or any other online Image Store where Clipart-deSIGN images are being sold you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.

If you are entering into this Agreement on behalf of your employer, the License granted and restrictions and limitations recited herein apply to your employer as well as to you as a representative of your employer. Should you cease working for your employer, your employer may continue to operate under this Agreement.

The contents of this download image/package are proprietary and copyrighted by Clipart-deSIGN. All rights are reserved. When you purchase this Clipart-deSIGN product, Clipart-deSIGN grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable License to use and modify the images on this download in your personal and professional work which includes live presentations and printed materials such as displays, advertisements, promotional campaigns, brochures and newsletters, subject to the restrictions contained herein. You may not rent, transfer, or grant any rights to the images contained on this download, or any compilation, derivative or collective work containing such images to any other person or organization without the prior written consent of Clipart-deSIGN Ltd. You may use this Clipart-deSIGN product on more than one computer or workstation that you posses at a time, but not on a network or multi-user system.

Special and Commercial Use Permission

You are permitted to use the images you have purchased from Clipart-deSIGN to create t-shirts, vinyl decals, prints and any other tangible merchandise that you or your company create for sale. 

The following uses of the images are not permitted:

1. You may not make (or allow anyone else to make) any form of copy, whether printed, photographic, digital and/or other modality of any of the images on this disc or download package, except in the use of the image or images in your personal or professional work as specified above. The disc may not be copied in its entirety except for backup purposes.

2. You may not loan, rent, transfer or grant any rights to the images contained hereon, or any compilation, derivative or collective work containing such images to any other person or organization without the prior written consent of Clipart-deSIGN.

3. You are expressly forbidden from posting any image or images from this disc or download on any electronic bulletin board.

4. You may not use or permit the use of the image(s), or any part thereof, as a trademark or service mark, or claim any proprietary rights of any sort in the image(s) or any part thereof.

6. You may not use, or allow anyone else to use any of these images in any pornographic, libelous or defamatory use.

7 You may not use or allow anyone else use any of these images for human body tattooing and body piercing. We believe permanent tattoos are harmful to be body and the mind and we do not want to contribute to anybody’s harm with our designs.

8. You may not use the design on sites like CafePress, Zazzle, RedBubble and other print on demand sites like them as this requires for you to own the full Copyrights of the designs used which is not the case with the grant of this License.

All images contained in the download package are owned by Clipart deSIGN. and are protected by United States Copyright laws, International Copyright Laws, International treaty provisions, and other applicable laws. No title to or intellectual property rights to the images or the disc are transferred to you. Clipart deSIGN retains all rights not expressly granted by this License Agreement.

You shall retain total control and possession of all times of the images and materials and shall not allow the images to fall in the possession of any third party who is not licensed by this Agreement.

Please be aware that we are serious about preserving the integrity of this License Agreement, and will take action to enforce it when necessary. At the same time, though, we will be pleased to make special arrangements to permit you to use an image or images in many ways that are excluded by this Agreement. Generally, this is a quick and easy process. Please send us an e-mail.

Limited Warranty


Limitation of Damages

Neither Clipart deSIGN, nor any of its officers, agents, employees, representatives, associates or its licensors shall be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental, arising out of the use of, or inability to use, this the images on this download.

Clipart-deSIGN images, including derivative works based upon them, via manual, software based or AI modifications may not be repackaged or resold in the form of clip art, digital stock graphics, print, brushes, fonts or any other digital form.

Clipart-deSIGN reviews and grants Special Use Extended Licenses and fees on a case-by-case basis.

Site Licensing

For a one time fee of $1200 USD (VAT where applicable is extra), Clipart deSIGN will grant grant both Commercial and Site License covering all vector clipart products currently listed (as of May 24th, 2024) on

Site License allows all the above mentioned vector designs and/or products to be used on a network or on more than two computers simultaneously.

Additional Rights

If you would like to discuss a specific project or purchase a Special Use License, please send us e-mail by using our Contact Form.

Personal Use Royalty Free License Agreement

Most of our products come with a Commercial Use License Agreement bundled with them, but in case you have purchased or downloaded a Personal Use Version of an image or a library of clipart images, then you are permitted to use these designs only in your personal work for personal use and no commercial activity or commercial gain can be associated with their use. It is that simple.

However considering the fact that our Commercial Use License comes at a really low price, you may prefer to be on the safe side and obtain a Commercial Use License instead.

(Last updated May 24th, 2024)